Festival Series

The Austin Soundwaves Festival Series provides an opportunity for students and school programs to engage with their musical community through an All-Region band and orchestra showcase, solo/ensemble festival, and large ensemble festival. This program was launched as the Austin Music Education Coalition in 2016 as a way for teachers at smaller schools to share with and learn from each other.

The Festival Series events for 2024-25 included the Invitational Festival and Showcase, Large Ensemble Festival, and Solo and Ensemble Festival.

This project is supported in part by the City of Austin Economic Development Department.


Upcoming Events

Saturday, March 8

King-Seabrook Chapel, Huston-Tillotson University
900 Chicon Rd, Austin, TX
Times scheduled between 9am-3pm

The Austin Soundwaves Large Ensemble Festival is a performance opportunity for music ensembles to perform and compete with schools from across the region. Three distinguished judges will provide ensembles with ratings and/or feedback for their performances depending on which track directors choose to sign up for: Contest or Festival.

“Contest” is for established ensembles looking for a more competitive experience, while “Festival” is for developing or younger ensembles. All ability ranges and grade levels are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Registration deadline: February 7th
Early Bird Registration through January 10!

This project is supported in part by the City of Austin Economic Development Department.


Saturday, April 26

Austin Achieve High School
7424 E Hwy 290

Saturday, March 2nd
Between 9am and 2pm

Register for the Austin Soundwaves Solo & Ensemble Festival is a performance opportunity for students of all ability levels. Students perform a prepared piece alone or with a small ensemble for a guest adjudicator for feedback and a rating.

Students who receive Division I or II ratings will receive a medal; additionally, judges will select Outstanding Performers from each room for an additional trophy. This is a great opportunity for our students to get feedback from professionals and learn how to present themselves in a strong, confident manner.

For questions, please reach out to education director Mary Speight at

This project is supported in part by the City of Austin Economic Development Department.

Past 2024-25 events

Friday and Saturday, November 1 and 2

Huston-Tillotson University
900 Chicon St, Austin, TX 78702

Students selected from our school and community programs have the opportunity to play in an ensemble with students from varied music learning experiences. Through our selection of repertoire and guest clinicians, our focus is to highlight music from BIPOC composers and introduce styles of music often excluded from school band and orchestra competitions.

Check out photos from our last year’s January 2023 Clinic and Showcase by clicking here!


Invitational Band and Orchestra: Policies and Guidelines

This project is supported in part by the City of Austin Economic Development Department.


Questions about the Festival Series?

Please email our program director, Mary Speight, at